The Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre Consultation Question Title * 1. Have you heard about the Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre? Yes No Question Title * 2. If yes, how did you find out about The Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre? (Please select all that apply) Liverpool's Royal Court website Internet/social media Email The Museum of Liverpool’s Happiness! Exhibition News article Word of mouth Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Where do you currently live? Liverpool City Region Elsewhere in the North of England South of England West of England East of England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Elsewhere in Europe The Rest Of The World Question Title * 4. Would you visit The Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre? Frequently Occasionally Perhaps Never Question Title * 5. What would be your main reason for visiting The Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre? (Please select all that apply) To explore the exhibition and Sir Ken Dodd’s archives, objects and artifacts To learn about Liverpool’s comedy heritage To explore how and why Liverpool is globally recognised for its unique history I'm Interested in Liverpool’s history To explore the role humour/entertainment in Liverpool’s heritage and identity To engage in and/or explore The Happiness Centre activities To enjoy better health/wellbeing as comedy is good for the soul and makes you feel happier To enjoy new experiences and/or curiosity For the café and/or to socialise To bring family, friends and/or visitors to the city/area Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. The themes/history that The Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre explores are important to me (Choose only 1 answer): Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. What themes/topic would you most like The Sir Ken Dodd Happiness Centre to explore / highlight (you can tick more than one option)? Sir Ken Dodd’s life story and that of other comedy/entertainment icons Liverpool’s comedy heritage Activities that help to make you/people feel happier Heritage/cultural experiences (history/exhibition tours, discussions, curator led tours etc) Immersive experiences (a blend of visuals, sound and technology) Comedy-based events and workshops Other (please specify) Next