UWBCKR 21 Day Equity Challenge: Pre-Event Survey
How did you FIRST hear about the 21-Day Equity Challenge? (Please select one)
Social Media (ex. Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
Newsletter or email from United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region
My supervisor or employer
A colleague or coworker
A family member, friend or acquaintance
Other (please specify)
Why did you sign up for the challenge? (Choose your TOP response)
I want to learn more about race equity and social justice
My supervisor or employer suggested it
My team is doing the challenge together
I want to be more active in race equity and social justice issues
Other (please specify)
What are your goals and intentions for the 21-Day Equity Challenge? (Choose your PRIMARY reason)
Learn more about myself and community
Shift my way of thinking
Engage with people from different backgrounds than my own
Shift how I interact with others in my community
Help my employer and/or team address issues of race equity and social justice
Learn how to get involved with advocacy and making changes in my community
Lead or join efforts to make changes in my community
Other (please specify)
How will you ensure that you stay committed for the full 21 days of the challenge? (Choose your TOP Strategy)
I will prioritize this work and make time for it each day
My team will help support me to stay engaged
I will offer to lead and/or support group discussions with my team or network
I will practice self-care during the challenge (ex. stress management)
Not sure
Other (please specify)
Pretend that it is the last day of the Challenge, how will you know that you have succeeded? (What will success look like for you?)