Please submit this form no later than Friday, November 3, 2023. You may nominate yourself or someone else at a current member institution. Please direct any questions to

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* 1. I am

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* 2. If you are nominating someone else, please provide your contact information below:

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* 3. Nominee First Name

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* 4. Nominee Last Name

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* 5. Nominee Institution

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* 6. Nominee Preferred email

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* 7. Nominee Preferred phone

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* 8. The following positions will be open this coming year. What position are you interested in/nominating this person for? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. What is your/the nominee's volunteer history with NAACO? (This can include all forms of volunteerism including but not limited to committees, speaking, writing articles, etc.)

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* 10. Please name the goals you/ the nominee would/could accomplish as a NAACO Board member.

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* 11. Please provide a short nominee bio. Please note that this bio may be used in NAACO promotional materials.

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* 12. What experience and special skills do you/does the nominee have that would assist in serving on the NAACO Board?

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* 13. Please list any previous positions you/the nominee held on boards or committees of other organizations. (Please include the name of the organization.)

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* 14. Please upload a recent headshot. This photo may be used for NAACO communications to members.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.