Directions: The purpose of this survey is to hear your thoughts about your school’s climate. There are eight categories, so please review each item carefully to make sure you fill out the entire survey. 

Note: If you have more than one child in the district, please respond with all of your children in mind. 

Question Title

* Please rate the following items regarding Academic Expectations: 

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Teachers at my child’s school help all students do their best.
Teachers at this school have high expectations for my child.
School is important to my child’s (ren’s) future success.
I have the opportunity to ask teachers about my child’s assignments.
I can tell that my child’s teachers encourage them to do their best on assigned work and tests.
My child’s school wants them to do well.
I can tell that my child is proud of what they learn in school.

Question Title

* Please rate the following items regarding Safety and Respect

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I feel that my child is respected at this school.
Teachers treat all students with respect at this school.
Students respect their teacher(s) at my child’s school.
Students at this school fight a lot.
Safety rules are enforced at this school.
I feel that teachers respect me as a parent at my child’s school.
The school actively works to create a welcoming environment for every student
If my child doesn’t feel safe, I know that there are adults that she/he can go to for help.
School administration welcomes parents’ input about school climate.

Question Title

* Please rate the following items regarding Communication and Family Engagement: 

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The school provides family members with adequate information about the academic program in a language that I can understand.
Teachers let parents know how their child is doing at school.
At my child’s school, adults and students listen to each other.
The school makes a special effort to reach out to families from all racial, cultural and/or language groups.
At my child’s school, adults and students listen to each other.
Parent input is welcomed by the school administration
There is at least one staff member that I can talk to about my child’s academic and social progress.
The school makes a special effort to maintain contact with working and/or single parents.
Parents, caretakers and families of diverse backgrounds are involved in this school.
The school has a clear policy and practice for parent involvement.
The school provides opportunities for parents and teachers to develop strong partnerships in the best interest of their children.
The school encourages volunteer participation from families.

Question Title

* Please rate the following items regarding Attitude and Culture: 

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The school staff is friendly and helpful.
As a parent, I feel like I am a part of my child’s school.
Students at this school trust their teachers.
I am involved with people from different cultures, races, or ethnicities in the school community.
My school creates opportunities for interested parents to get acquainted.
Teachers show they care about students and families beyond the classroom.

Question Title

* Please rate the following items regarding Discipline/Bullying/Discrimination/Hazing/Sexual Harassment: 

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Parents are informed about the school climate and discipline policy or policies.
Discipline rules in my child’s school are fair.
Teachers or other adults at this school will take action to stop discrimination or harassment once they know about it.
There is a high incidence of verbal, cyber, or physical bullying, hazing, and/or acts of discrimination in the school.
My child has been physically, verbally or cyber bullied at school by another student.
Some students in this school are treated unfairly by other students because of their race, gender, disability, etc.
My child has been physically, verbally or cyber bullied at school by another teacher.
I feel comfortable telling my child’s teacher or another adult about bullying at school.
My child has been sexually harassed at school.
My child is treated unfairly because of who she/he is (e.g. race, gender, language, disability, sexual orientation, etc.).