Pre-Focus Group Survey for Kismet

If you want to participate in the Kismet Focus Group, please fill out the survey below.

Hey there! We're having a focus group with kids and teens about a platform called Kismet, the first pediatric telehealth program created by doctors for doctors. We want to know what you think about it! We're looking for two groups: one for ages 8-10 and another for ages 12-18. If you want to join the fun and share your thoughts, please fill out our short survey (we're figuring out the date, based on this survey). 😊
1.What is your email address? 
2.What is your name?
3.What is your age range?
4.Which iCAN chapter are you affiliated with?
5.Which of the following categories describes you? You can choose more than one!
6.What day would be most convenient for you to participate in this focus group? You can select more than one day.
7.What time would be the most convenient for you? You can select more than one time.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered