Special Factors: 5 Areas That May Affect IEP Services for Your Child - Web Module

1.Are you a: (Please check all that apply)(Required.)
2.Parents and guardians, does your child/young adult have a: (please check all that apply)
3.Parents and guardians, what is your child/young adult's age?
4.Please check your child/young adult's primary disability on the IFSP or IEP:
5.On the whole, how would you rate this training?
6.Have you learned anything new through this inservice?
7.Will you use information learned through this inservice to help improve health outcomes for your child/students?
8.(Parents) Did the inservice provide information to help you make decisions about your child's education?
9.What suggestions do you have for improving this workshop?
10.How did you learn about this workshop? (please check all that apply)
11.To help PACER with planning future workshops, what topics would be of interest to you?
12.Other comments:
Current Progress,
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