Manor Court COVID Plan Feedback

Manor Court COVID19 Input

Manor Court would like your input on ways we can improve our current processes and visitation and value families and residents wishes during this unprecedented pandemic. Please complete this survey for input into our Post COVID Plan and visitation.
1.Overall, how do you feel Manor Court has handled, the COVID19 Pandemic to date?
2.Has the communication and information provided been sufficient to families?
3.Do you feel Manor Court has kept you loved ones safe from the virus to date?
4.How confident do you feel about Manor Courts COVID Plan which was recently shared?
5.When visitation commences what days would be your preference to visit your loved one?
6.What time of day would you prefer to visit?
7.How long would you usually stay to visit your loved one?
8.How confident do you feel with the screening process & use of mask and face shields upon entry into Manor Court?
9.How satisfied do you feel about Manor Courts proposed Admission Process for new residents?
10.How satisfied do you feel with the proposed Visitation requirement to keep residents and staff safe?
11.How satisfied are you with Staffing Procedures in relation to COVID at Manor Court?
12.How satisfied are you with the resident processes in relation to COVID at Manor Court?
13.Please provide any further suggestions, feedback, comments or improvements here
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered