2023 Media Units 3 & 4 Declaration Form

Equipment Requirements

It is your responsibility as a VSV (Virtual School Victoria) VCE Media student enrolled in Units 3 & 4 Media to ensure that you are able to use media equipment that you are comfortable with and that you can verify that you have an understanding of how to use the equipment. The equipment relates to the media form that you choose to do for your SAT. For example, if you were producing a moving image sequence, you may use equipment that could include hardware such as a camera/video camera, and software to produce your final product, such as Final Cut Pro. Currently you can choose from the following:
  • a moving image sequence
  • a still image photographic presentation
  • a print production
  • an audio production
Safety and wellbeing

When undertaking this study, students need to be aware of health and safety in regards to themselves, their environment and others. This extends to activities and productions undertaken as part of the course. Students should seek permission from the relevant authority before filming or recording in public locations. Students should also seek consent from the people who they film, photograph or record.
Media Content

Media productions at Virtual School Victoria will not include guns, drug use, excessive or gratuitous violence, nudity, sex scenes, driving, the consumption of alcohol, and use of cigarettes, any illegal or potentially dangerous acts or acts that may be deemed inconsistent with the values of our community.
VSV Media Print and Photography Printing Guidelines
  1. Students must send a pdf version of their print and photography production to their Media teacher to be sighted prior to it being printed.
  2. Students must print the production as it is presented to the VSV Media teacher in the initial sighting.
  3. Students must not change their production in any way or seek assistance to alter the media product’s appearance while it is printed.
Student Declaration
1.Student's name:(Required.)
2.I acknowledge: (tick the box below)
  • I am aware that in order to satisfactorily complete the outcomes of the SAT I am using equipment that I am comfortable with and I can verify that I have an understanding of how to use the equipment.
  • I am aware that I need to comply with the VSV Media Print & Photography printing guidelines if I have chosen these media forms when producing my media product.
  • I am aware of health and safety in regards to myself, my environment and others.
  • I am aware of the media content requirements at VSV.
  • I acknowledge that the work I am undertaking in VSV Media is my own.
  • I understand that all material will be sourced and acknowledged. I will also seek written copyright approval for the use of any 3rd party material.
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