Feedback on New Traffic Plan for North Georgia State Fair Question Title * 1. How would you rate the effectiveness of the new traffic plan? Very Effective Effective Neutral Ineffective Very Ineffective Question Title * 2. What specific issues have you encountered with the new traffic plan? Question Title * 3. Which aspects of the new traffic plan do you think need improvement? Select all that apply. Signage Traffic flow Parking Pedestrian safety Public transportation access Other Question Title * 4. How has the new traffic plan impacted your daily commute during the Fair compared to prior years? Significantly Improved Improved No Change Worsened Significantly Worsened Question Title * 5. Do you have any suggestions for improving the new traffic plan? Question Title * 6. How satisfied are you with the communication from Cobb County about the new traffic plan? Question Title * 7. Do you feel the new traffic plan has made the area safer for pedestrians? Much Safer Safer No Change Less Safe Much Less Safe Question Title * 8. Has the parking situation in the neighborhoods improved at all? Much Better Slightly Better No Change A bit worse A lot worse Question Title * 9. Would you like to see parking restrictions in the neighborhoods, understanding that they would affect residents as well as visitors? Yes please Not sure Keep it the same Question Title * 10. Please share any additional thoughts or comments you have about the new traffic plan. Question Title * 11. Please provide your name First nameLast name Question Title * 12. Please provide your email Email address Done