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About your child/children

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* 1. Are you the parent or guardian of a child who is currently enrolled in school?

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* 2. What grade(s) is your child in? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. What is the name of the school district, charter school or private/parochial school that your child attends (optional)

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* 4. How would you rate the job your child’s school or school district is doing making learning materials and instruction available while schools are closed?

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* 5. How regularly have you been receiving academic and/or other resources from your child’s school or school district?

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* 6. How has your child’s school or school district communicated with you about academic resources or other resources and/or support that are available to you and your child while schools are closed? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. Have you personally been contacted by anyone from your child’s school or school district to provide individual resources and/or support for you or your child? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. As far as you know, has your child’s school or school district provided information to parents in languages other than English?

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* 9. As far as you know, for what subjects has your child's school provided instructional materials to you, while school is closed? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. Is your child’s school or school district relying on distance, remote, or online learning while school is closed?

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* 11. On a scale of 0-10, how successful has distance, remote or online learning been for you and your child?

0 - Extremely unsuccessful 10 - Extremely successful
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. How confident are you that you have the necessary equipment (devices, high-speed internet access, etc.) and technological know-how needed for your child to participate in online learning?

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* 13. Below are things that could prevent families from participating in online learning. Please select any that apply to you and your child.

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* 14. Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently announced that schools will not reopen for in-person classes this school year. During the closure, schools will be required to continued learning for students in order to receiving state funding. Do you support this decision?

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* 15. Does your child receive free or reduced-price breakfast and/or lunch at school?

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* 16. Is your child's school district providing free breakfast and/or lunch while school is closed?

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* 17. What is your biggest concern about your child not being in school as a result of coronavirus?

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* 18. And, broadly speaking, what is your biggest concern as a parent during this crisis?

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* 19. Below are some things schools could be doing to help parents while schools are closed due to coronavirus.  For each one, please indicate how helpful you think it would be for families like yours.

  Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not helpful
Providing technical assistance to help families get set up for remote/distance learning
Providing tips for parents on how to balance caring for their child while working from home
Sharing examples of resources to help parents teach their children during the day
Providing information for parents in languages other than English
Lending mobile technology devices like iPads to families
Providing free internet access to families
Providing parents with regular contact with or access to their child’s teacher
Providing parents or students with regular contact with or access to a school counselor
Providing lessons in various subjects on public access TV
Providing tools for measuring or assessing learning at home.
Providing meals that parents can pick up at their child’s school
Providing meals that parents can pick up at other locations in their communities
Delivering meals to families’ homes
Providing ATM-like cards that parents can use to purchase food at local grocery stores
Connecting parents to resources that can help with food, housing, employment, health, and other emergency needs
Facilitating connections to other parents so parents can share advice or tips for managing during the crisis
Sharing tips for parents on how to structure their child’s day so they can feel their best while they are at home
Providing parents with paper packets of instructional materials
Providing instructional materials for English learners
Providing instructional materials and other resources to support students with disabilities

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* 20. Below is the same list of things you just read. Please select any of the following actions that your school or school district has already taken in response to coronavirus (select all that apply)

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* 21. Below are some concerns parents have raised about their children not being in school as a result of coronavirus. For each one, please indicate how concerning it is to you personally.

  Very concerning Somewhat concerning Not that concerning Not concerning at all
Ensuring your child does not fall behind academically
Your child not being able to interact with teachers while they are at home
Having child care or supervision for your child while you are at work or working from home
Your child feeling bored or under-stimulated while they are at home
Being able to provide financially for your child while schools and businesses are closed
Being able to keep your child safe while they are at home
Your child not being able to interact with other students while they are at home
Ensuring your child is on track to graduate from high school
Not having the resources or supplies to help your child stay academically on track
Your child not having the structure they need while they are at home
Ensuring your child’s mental well-being while they are at home
Being able to help your child feel secure during this period of uncertainty

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* 22. Would you say your level of stress as a parent is…

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* 23. Would you say your child's level of stress as a parent is…

The rest of the questions are for statistical purposes only.

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* 24. Does your child have a disability?

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* 25. Are you or any member of your household a teacher or administrator in K through 12 education?

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* 26. What is your gender?

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* 27. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 28. When it comes to politics, do you generally think of yourself as a(n)

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* 29. To ensure a representative sample, please indicate the race/ethnicity that you identify as.

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* 30. Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino?

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* 31. For statistical purposes only, what would you say is your total annual family income before taxes?

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* 32. How would you describe the area where you live?

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* 33. How would you grade yourself on your “tech savvy”? That is, how knowledgeable are you about the latest technologies?

F (not knowledgeable at all) A (very knowledgeable)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 34. Optional: If you are interested in completing future surveys on public education in Michigan, please add you contact information below. This information will not be associated with your survey responses.

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