Question Title

* 1. We are collecting stories from around the country regarding how social media has impacted the lives of teens and their families. Please consider sharing your anonymous story with us. 

Below is an example of how a story might begin:
Our daughter was a bright, fun and outgoing young woman. On her 14th birthday, my husband and I gave her an iPhone7. She was simply glowing when she opened the box. Within a month, we noticed a change in her behavior. In the past, she would spend 20 hours a week at the barn riding her horse. However, that all but stopped. She would spend hours in her room, and seemed to be drifting away from our family.

We told her that we needed to her to limit the time she spent on her phone, but she grew angry and somewhat out of control. We eventuality took her to a psychologist to help us manage what was growing to be an unmanageable situation...

From here you would detail the attempted solutions; the bumps in the road and where things stand today.

Please share your story in the box below. You have an unlimited amount of characters that you may use.