Application form

Thank you for your interest in participating in our Youth Climate Dialogue program.

If you are a teacher, educator, or young leader and would like to submit your application to organize a Youth Climate Dialogue, please kindly fill in the form below.

Make sure that you have included your best e-mail address so UN CC:Learn can contact you. Only completed applications will be considered.

Click on 'Done' to submit your responses.

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* 1. Contact details

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* 2. What's your affiliation?

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* 3. Indicate which timeframe are you available to organize a Youth Climate Dialogue. You can select multiple options.

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* 4. In which language(s) would you like to organize the Dialogue? You can select more than one option.

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* 5. How many youth participants are expected to attend the Youth Climate Dialogue?

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* 7. Which online video conference platform is preferable? You can select more than one option.

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* 8. Do you have a stable internet connection?
(*stable internet connection in this context means, being able to connect and fully participate in an online video conference with your camera switched on)

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* 9. Have you ever participated in a Youth Climate Dialogue before?

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* 10. Do you have any additional information or restrictions that you would like to share related to your participation in the Youth Climate Dialogue?