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We Need Your Input!
Yuma County Area Transit (YCAT) is conducting a Short-Range Transit Plan to define the future of transit in our community.  This survey is one way for residents who may or may not use the bus to provide input about the system.  We want to know your thoughts on transit services and areas for improvement that may be important to you and our community. 

For additional information on YCAT services please visit https://www.ycipta.org or call 928-783-2235.  Title VI and Limited English Proficiency Information is available at https://www.ycipta.org/title-vi.html.
We understand that in this COVID-19 environment of sheltering at home and social distancing that your use of transit and/or travel patterns may not be representative of your ‘normal’ travel.  In responding to this survey, please think about how you traveled and/or your use of YCAT transit services back in January or February of this year.
What you have to say is important in helping to make improvements and plan for the future. Thank you for your participation.


Question Title

1. What is the Zip Code of your residence?

Question Title

2. What type of transportation do you or other members of your household use in a typical week and for what purpose? Please check all that apply.

  Work Social / Recreational Shopping Doctor / Medical School / Educational Other
Personal vehicle (as Driver or Passenger)
YCAT Fixed Route Bus Service
YCAT On-Call Service
YCAT Vanpool
YCAT NightCAT Service
Regular Taxi or Rider Share Service (i.e. Uber, Lyft, etc.)

Question Title

3.a) If you now use YCAT bus service or have used it in the past, we want to know what you think of the transit service: (If you have never used YCAT transit bus service, please go to Question 4).

  Almost always Often Unsure Not very often Almost Never
Service is convenient and easy to use
The travel times are reasonable
I feel safe on the transit service
Transit information is readily available
Transit arrives on schedule (is punctual)
Transit fares are reasonable
Transfers are convenient
Overall, I am satisfied with the transit service

Question Title

3.b) How do you typically locate information about YCAT transit services?

Question Title

4. If you do NOT use YCAT transit service, why not? (Please check all that apply)

Question Title

5. The types of YCAT transit service improvements that I would like to see: (Please check all that apply)

Question Title

6. Please indicate how likely it is that you would use YCAT transit if the improvements you noted in Question 5 above were available.

  Would Certainly Use Would Likely Use Might Use Not Very Likely to Use Would Never Use Would Not Make a Difference
Based on the improvements noted in Q.5 above

Question Title

7.a) How many people live in your household?

Question Title

7.b) How many cars/vehicles?

Question Title

8. Which of the following categories best matches your annual household income?

Question Title

9. Which of the following age categories matches your age?

Question Title


Thank you for your participation!

Question Title

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