IME/ReachNJ Provider Satisfaction Survey 2024

IME/ReachNJ Provider Satisfaction Survey

We are asking affiliated providers who receive referrals from the IME/ReachNJ or utilize the IME for prior-authorizations to complete this Provider Satisfaction Survey. The purpose of the survey is to provide DMHAS and the IME/ReachNJ with information that can be used to improve the provider experience of the IME/ReachNJ. We are requesting that each provider complete one survey at each service site. Your feedback is very much appreciated!

Your responses are anonymous and will be used for program evaluation purposes only. To collect the most accurate information, we request that the staff person who works with the IME/ReachNJ most often and utilizes NJSAMS complete the questionnaire.
1.Do you know how to contact the IME/ReachNJ?
2.Do you contact the IME/ReachNJ most often via:
3.What levels of care does your facility provide? 
4.In what county does your facility operate?
5.Are you satisfied with the quality of the customer service you receive when you contact IME/ReachNJ?
6.Please indicate if calls are responded to in a timely manner
7.Have you utilized IME/ReachNJ assistance in regards to the Dual Admission procedure/conflict?
8.If Yes, did you find that the IME/ReachNJ was helpful in resolving this issue?
9.Did IME assist with addressing barriers to care, such as child care, transportation, or interpreter services when you contacted them regarding individuals in your care.
10.Have you utilized IME assistance to determine an appropriate funding source?
11.If yes, did you find that IME was helpful in resolving this issue?
12.Was IME helpful in cases when individuals had Medicaid MCO funding?
13.Questions 13-26 are regarding IME Utilization Management:
Have you ever contacted IME Utilization Management (UM) Unit?
14.If yes, please indicate the reason for your contact with the IME UM representative:
15.If no, please indicate the reason
16.When you contact the IME UM, is the representative knowledgeable about providing NJSAMS technical assistance?
17.Is the representative knowledgeable about providing assistance with a clinical submission?
18.Is the representative knowledgeable about providing assistance regarding a prior-authorization (PA)/funding? 
19.Does the UM representative respond to your needs or concerns in a timely manner?
20.Was your prior authorization request reviewed in a timely manner?
21.Was the feedback you received helpful and easy to understand?
22.Were you satisfied with the consistency between staff when more than one IME UM representative has responded to your request?
23.Have you utilized the appeals process?
24.If Yes, are you satisfied with the way the process was handled?
25.Have you received a modified denial of your prior-authorization request?
26.Please indicate how often IME/ReachNJ staff offer assistance with care coordination services when a level of care is modified-denied
27.Questions 27-29 are regarding IME Care Coordination:
Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with IME care coordination
28.Please rate the courteousness and professionalism of IME care coordinators
29.Did IME help assist with barriers to care, such as child care, transportation, or interpreter services when you contacted them regarding care coordination?
30.Do you have any additional comments you wish to share about the IME/ReachNJ?