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* 2. Does your business fall with in any of these economic development target sectors?

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* 3. How many people do you employ in the Grand Forks region?

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* 4. In what Zip Code do the majority of your employees work? (open ended 5 characters)

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* 5. Which of these categories best describes your organization? (Enter 5-digit Zip Code)

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* 6. What year did your organization begin operating?

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* 7. In general, how difficult or easy is it for you to recruit and hire employees for your organization:

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* 8. How hard or easy is it to fill positions for the following occupations?

  Extremely hard to fill Somewhat hard to fill Somewhat easy to fill Extremely easy to fill N/A
Business and Financial Operations (including marketing specialists, procurement, event planners, HR, and analysts)
Computer and Mathematical (including programmers and data scientists)
Architecture and Engineering
Life, Physical, and Social Science
Community and Social Service
Educational Instruction and Library
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical (typically requiring a 4-year degree or more)
Healthcare Support (typically 2-year degree technician-level)
Protective Service
Food Preparation and Serving Related
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance
Personal Care and Service
Sales and Related (including retail workers)
Office and Administrative Support
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry
Construction and Extraction (including building trades workers)
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Production (including shop floor workers, welders, and equipment operators)
Transportation and Material Moving

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* 9. From the following list, select the three types of occupations that are hardest for you to fill in the Grand Forks region. (same list as above)

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* 10. What are the hardest job titles to fill at your organization?

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* 11. What are the easiest job titles to fill in your organization?

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* 12. What types of hard skills or technical skills are hardest to find in the Grand Forks region for your organization?

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* 13. What types of soft skills or personal skills are hardest to find in the Grand Forks region for your organization?

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* 14. How easy or hard is it for you to find the workers you need with the following types of education or training? 

  Completely unmet needs Significant unmet needs Moderate unmet needs Minor unmet needs Needs are met N/A or No Need
8th grade level graduates
High school graduates
On-the-job training
Two-year community college or technical college graduates
Certificates or other specialized training programs
Bachelor’s degree graduates
Master’s degree graduates
Professional degree or doctorate graduates

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* 15. What are the most significant barriers to filling open jobs at your organization? (Select the top three barriers)

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* 16. Are you experiencing other major barriers to filling open jobs not listed in the question above? If so, please list below.

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* 17. Is a lack of adequate workforce supply preventing your organization from growing or otherwise negatively impacting your organization?

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* 18. How many open positions would you fill immediately if you could locate qualified workers? (please enter a number)

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* 19. Career and Workforce Centers are programs that link workers and high school students with peers, teachers, and community partners in a disciplined environment, fostering academic success, mental and emotional health, and labor market success. Workforce centers can make students aware of career opportunities and start developing pathways that align with their skills, interest, and abilities. Career and workforce centers do not always require the construction of new facilities. How do you feel about the following statements?

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Workforce development and attraction is the primary economic challenge in the Grand Forks Region.
Workforce challenges are limiting prosperity in the Grand Forks Region.
Career and workforce centers programs are worth pursuing in the Grand Forks region.
Career and workforce centers are a worthwhile public investment.
Private-sector employers should collaborate with educators and local government entities to improve the talent pipeline in the Grand Forks Region.
Private-sector employers should financially support the development of career academy programs in the Grand Forks Region.

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* 20. Do you have any other comments, advice, or ideas to contribute as we explore the concept of career academies in the Grand Forks Region? Please comment below.

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* 21. Would you be interested in more information about the potential of a Career and Workforce Center in the Grand Forks region? If so, please submit your contact information below.

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