The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is gathering information about issues that concern the youth in our communities. In the past, this survey has primarily been distributed only at the high school level, but for the third time we are expanding our reach and seeking feedback from all youth (grades K-12) and parents. We do understand that the nature of some of these topics can be controversial, especially for a younger audience. We ask that parents and/or teachers use their best discretion when assisting their younger students in completing this survey.
Our goal is to get at least 500 community responses of varying ages, demographics, and districts. Please help us achieve this goal by sharing this survey with others in the community. We will continue to collect responses through November 15, 2024.
The information collected will be used to help guide the committee as they choose local programs to receive grant funds and volunteer services in future years. The programs we choose will help the issues we see most prevalent from this survey. Your answers will ALWAYS remain anonymous but will definitely be HEARD.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following do you consider to be some of the most pressing issues in our community that need to be addressed? (Select as many as you'd like)

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* 2. Is there another issue that you feel we have not addressed above that you would like to see measured?

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* 3. Out of the selected answers above, what are your top 2 most important issues that you feel have the most impact on your community?

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* 4. Please check all the activities below that you feel are valuable to teens in your community.

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* 5. What school district do you most identify as belonging to?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. What is your ethnicity?