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Question Title

* 1. How are you currently accessing the Controlled Substance Reporting System (CSRS)?

Question Title

* 2. What EHR system do you use?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following features have you used in PMP AWARxE?

  Not Used Sometimes Used Use Fairly Often Use All The Time What Is That For?
NarxCare Score
CDC Resource Links
Links to Scoring Variables for Ratios
Mobile Password Reset
PMP Announcements
Bulk Patient Search
Prescriber Reports
PMP InterConnect Search
PMPi States Selection

Question Title

* 4. Rank the following features of PMP AWARxE from least (10) to most (1) helpful for your day-to-day practice.

  1. NarxCare Score
  2. CDC Resource Links
  3. Links to Scoring Variables for Ratios
  4. Mobile Password Reset
  5. PMP Announcements
  6. Bulk Patient Search
  7. Prescriber Reports
  8. PMP InterConnect Search
  9. PMPi States Selection
  10. Integration

Question Title

* 5. What is/are the barrier(s) that hinder your utilization of the CSRS? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. What method of communication about the CSRS is most beneficial for you to be aware of updates or changes in the system and training opportunities? (Check All That Apply)

  Never Used/Accessed - NA Least Likely Likely Best Way to Reach
Direct Email From NCMB
NCMB Newsletter 
Direct Email from NC DHHS
PMP Aware Web Portal Banners 
NC DHHS CSRS Technical Assistance Webpage

Question Title

* 7. Would you like technical assistance and training education on the CSRS for yourself and/or your practice? If so, please leave your contact information in the box below.

0 of 7 answered