1. Introduction

Tribal communities are experiencing climate change and its impacts on social, economic, cultural, spiritual, environmental, and psychological health. Wildfires, extreme heat, and other hazards put people and communities at risk. Preparing for, adapting to, and recovering from a changing climate is essential for reducing risk. That is why The California Indian Museum and Cultural Center (CIMCC) has created the Center for Resilient Native Generations (CRNG), a resiliency hub to meet the climate change related health and wellness needs of Native peoples in our region.

CRNG is conducting this Emergency Food survey to better understand Native people's emergency food needs.

The information collected from this survey will help us develop an emergency food response plan to benefit the local community. Additionally, the information collected may fill gaps in environmental justice data that are often excluded in needs assessments at the local and regional levels and create greater access to resources for our Tribal communities. We will send out a summary report on our findings to all who complete the survey.

Please note - we have reached 100 responses and, as a result, no longer have funding to offer gift cards to survey participants. However, we would still greatly appreciate it if you complete the survey.

All personally identifiable information will be confidential. You are free to skip questions you do not feel comfortable answering.

We are here to answer your questions and support you in filling out this form. Please direct your questions to Sarah Smith at ssmith@cimcc.org

We sincerely appreciate your participation. Yahwi!

Question Title

* 1. I understand the purpose of the survey and that all my information will be confidential. I can stop anytime and skip any questions I am uncomfortable answering. To request that your personal information be deleted, contact Sarah Smith at ssmith@cimcc.org.