Grant Partner Federal Funding Impact

This very brief survey is the first step for the Community Foundation to understand how to support our grant partners and the community if federal funding is frozen, reduced, or eliminated. Your responses will help us, and other funding organizations, to better understand your needs and how we may be able to respond.

Please respond by 5pm Monday, February 3. Only one person from each organization should respond.
2.Organization Name
3.Do you receive funding through the federal government?
4.Did your organization receive notification that it may be affected by a funding freeze?
5.Which of your programs are supported with funds from the federal government? Include general operating support.
6.If you receive federal funding, what percentage of each program's budget is from the federal government? (estimate)
7.How often do you receive federal grant payments throughout the year and when is your next payment anticipated?
8.If these funds are not received as scheduled, do you expect the funded program or your organization will be in jeopardy?
9.Is there anything else you’d like to share at this time?