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We kindly ask that you respond to this brief questionnaire. It should take no more than 10 minutes of your time

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following WRM materials do you read/watch/listen to
(You can choose more than one):

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* 2. How do you usually receive or find out about a new WRM material?

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* 3. What do you use the materials for?
(You can choose more than one)

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* 4. What kind of materials would you like WRM to produce more of in the future?
(You can choose more than one)

Question Title

* 5. Can you mention any WRM materials that you have found to be particularly useful? If possible, can you explain why?

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* 6. Can you mention any WRM materials you have found to be less useful? If possible, can you explain why?

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* 7. Choose the option that best reflects your opinion about WRM materials:

  Always Most of time Sometimes Never No opinion
The information is relevant
Complex issues are explained in an accessible way
‍The vocabulary used is easy to understand
The layout, pictures and illustrations are helpful
The length of the materials is ideal

Question Title

* 8. Do you think the information contained in the WRM bulletin and other materials contributes to a better understanding of the situations and processes that affect communities who live in and depend on forests?

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* 9. If your previous answer was Yes, could you share an example of something you have found out about or learnt through the bulletin or other materials?

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* 10. Are there any topics or struggles that you think WRM should address?

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* 11. If your previous answer was Yes, please tell us what they are?

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* 12. How do you prefer to receive the WRM bulletin and other materials?

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* 13. We would like to know a bit more about you. This final section is optional.

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* 14. You live in:

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* 15. How would you identify yourself? (You may choose more than one option)

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