Hazelhurst Conservation Survey 2022

We need input! Now that the first round of conservation planning for Camp Hazelhurst is complete, we are interested in how your attitudes and willingness to help with the Prairie Club conservation mission have evolved. We are collecting data using a brief survey. It should take less than 5 minutes to respond. Your answers are anonymous. Thank you!
1.I am 18 years old or older:
2.We who enjoy Camp Hazelhurst have a responsibility to care for Camp Hazelhurst natural areas in a way that encourages the health and biodiversity of these areas.
3.Portions of our Camp Hazelhurst natural areas are currently degraded with invasive species (e.g., Buckthorn, Oriental bittersweet, etc.) that threaten the health of these areas.
4.Improving the health and biodiversity of Camp Hazelhurst natural areas will increase my enjoyment of Camp Hazelhurst.
5.I can identify the most common invasive species in Camp Hazelhurst that should be controlled.
6.To the extent that I cannot identify all common invasive species in Camp Hazelhurst that should be controlled, I would like information and/or training to help me identify these invasive species.
7.Camp Hazelhurst operating budget should include funding earmarked for Conservation actions.
8.I am willing to volunteer to help manage and maintain Camp Hazelhurst natural areas (please assume that volunteering will meet your volunteer hours obligation and that the volunteer program is well defined and reasonable).
What would make you, as an individual volunteer, more inclined to "adopt" or be "steward" of a conservation area in Hazelhurst camp? (The following are Yes - No questions)
9.Having an area that is RIGHT BY my daily rounds - right by my site, or on a road I use all the time.
10.Having an area AWAY FROM the cottage sites - that feels more like a natural landscape.
11.Having an area that is clearly defined- such as a loop surrounded by roads.
12.Having an area that is all mine to steward - not sharing the responsibility.
13.Sharing the responsibility of stewarding an area with a few others.
14.Having an area that requires some exercise.
15.Having an area that takes minimal physicality to do the work needed.
16.Having an area with no possibility of poison ivy.
17.What other thoughts do you want to share about volunteering to be an area "conservation steward"?
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered