Exit this survey circumcision post operation 1. Post Operative Assessment of Circumcision Question Title * 1. What was the date of the Circumcision? Date: Date Question Title * 2. What date did the ring fall off? Ring fell off: Date Question Title * 3. How many days was the ring in place? Days with the ring on: Question Title * 4. What complications occurred post operation? More than 1 answer can be given. No complications infection requiring antibiotics Penis head protruding through the ring requiring the ring to be removed Ring dangling causing problems requiring ring to be removed Reaction to betadine Bleeding requiring contact with Dr Sales Bleeding requiring ring removal Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. The number of days the baby seemed to be distressed post operation was 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of days >10 (please specify) Question Title * 6. The number of doses of paracetamol given post operative was 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of doses > 10 (please specify) Question Title * 7. Post operative care. More than 1 answer can be given I did NOT need to see a doctor or nurse postoperatively I needed to see Dr Sales postoperatively due to a complication I needed to see my own GP post operatively due to a complication I needed to attend casualty post operatively due to a complication My baby needed antibiotics postoperatively from Dr Sales due to infection My baby received antibiotics postoperatively from elsewhere due to infection Other Complications, or reason for attendance at GP or Hospital (please specify) Question Title * 8. Sending photos of the wound afterwards is often used to aid communication between families and Dr Sales. More than 1 answer may be chosen. I sent photos to Dr Sales post operatively The photos were reassuring and nothing further needed to be done The photos led to a change in management - ie changing ointment or antibiotic prescription The photos meant that I needed to see Dr Sales for treatment Other comments re photos (please specify) Question Title * 9. My satisfaction rating for the overall service and procedure was: poor adequate good excellent website website poor website adequate website good website excellent preoperative assessment preoperative assessment poor preoperative assessment adequate preoperative assessment good preoperative assessment excellent in hospital experience in hospital experience poor in hospital experience adequate in hospital experience good in hospital experience excellent postoperative care postoperative care poor postoperative care adequate postoperative care good postoperative care excellent Other comments about the procedure or service (please specify) Question Title * 10. Our reasons for having a circumcision for our son include: (more than 1 answer may be given) To aid in being hygienic as an adult To reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infection To reduce the incidence of AIDS To look like his father To fit in with family tradition Our relatives are strongly in favour of circumcision We have a family history of later circumcision being required Concern about needing circumcision later Concern about the risks of complications of owning a foreskin eg Phimosis Religious tradition Tradition of our ethnic group Our Sporting group feels it is normal practice We are involved in the Military and feel it is normal practice Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Any other comments about the circumcision service Done