Youth Action is inviting youth services and organisations in NSW to show their support by signing onto this Open Letter to the NSW Premier.

We ask that your organisation:

1. Read the Open Letter.
2. Tick to say that you agree to be included.
3. Provide a few details about your organisation.
4. Sign the Open Letter.

If you would like to add your organisation's logo to the Open Letter, there is an option for you to upload it at the end.

This should take no more than five minutes to complete.

Please read our Open Letter below:

Dear Premier,

We the undersigned organisations write to you regarding the recent changes to the Bail Act for children and young people.

We strongly position that a move away from keeping young people in community with the proper supports will be counterproductive. What young people need is more investment and less incarceration.

In a deliberative process with the Youth Sector and with young people, we have set out a series of recommendations in our recent report A Fair Go for Young People for you to enact to get the outcomes for young people that we all strive for.

The key recommendations are to spend an additional $52 million to expand youth service delivery, investment in setting up 5 new youth hubs and further support to 10 current hubs and the establishment of a state-wide working group on young people doing it tough, particularly those made vulnerable by poverty, the out of home care system, conflict with the law and homelessness.

Young people and the youth sector are calling for urgent investment in supports for young people doing it tough, particularly safe spaces that are opened after 6.30pm with both programs and individualised support and lastly for those hubs currently at risk of closing to get an urgent investment of funds.

As the changes are now law, we would welcome an opportunity to discuss programs and investments for young people and to work with you to monitor the affects of the changes on young people.

Yours sincerely,

Question Title

* 1. We support this Open Letter to the NSW Premier. Please include our organisation.

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* 2. Organisation

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* 3. Contact Information

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* 4. Select the region(s) your organisation operates in

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* 5. Select the young people your organisation works with

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* 6. Add your logo to the Open Letter

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