$25.00 Fee (10+ business days' notice);
$50.00 Fee (7-9 business days' notice).

21.1.2 Youth regular league games will be rescheduled as follows: A rescheduling request form must be completed and signed by both teams involved. The form and applicable fee (paid by the team requesting the reschedule) must be received in the SYSI office in accordance to the below timelines or it shall not be considered. Accepted forms of payment include: e-transfer to executivedirector@saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca or cash delivered in-person to the office.
  1. $25 for requests received 10 or more business days in advance of the scheduled game date. 
  2. $50 for requests received 7 to 9 business days in advance of the scheduled game date. The SYSI office will attempt to notify teams of the time and place of a rescheduled game at least 7 days in advance of that game. In the case where games have been rescheduled due to inclement weather the games will be rescheduled and posted on the website within 48 hours. The SYSI office will aim to give at least 7 days’ notice prior to a rescheduled game; however it may not always be possible with the shortness of the season or availability of fields. The SYSI office does not accept reschedule requests for semi-finals or final matches. If a qualifying team is unable to attend, they are to provide at least 48 hours’ notice to the SYSI office for the office to communicate and award the match opportunity to the next qualifying team according to standings. Without receiving 48 hours’ notice, the team that is unable to fulfill their semi-final or final match obligations shall be subject to forfeit guidelines and fines. While the SYSI office may consult with teams regarding game rescheduling, the limited availability of playing facilities requires that the SYSI office reserve the right to set the time and date of rescheduled games; or refuse the request outright with a full refund for the request.

Question Title

* 1. Date of Scheduled Game:


Question Title

* 2. Time of Scheduled Game:


Question Title

* 4. Season:

Question Title

* 5. Age Group:

Question Title

* 6. Gender Group:

Question Title

* 7. Division

Question Title

* 8. Home Team (include zone & team name):

Question Title

* 9. Home Team Contact Information:

Question Title

* 10. Visitor Team (include zone & team name):

Question Title

* 11. Visitor Team Contact Information:

Question Title

* 12. Team Submitting Reschedule Request:

Question Title

* 13. File Upload:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Please note that SYSI will assign the time and date based on facility/field availability, and shall be considered final once rescheduled by SYSI. No exceptions regarding the deadline will be tolerated. SYSI will consider the date(s) requested for the reschedule, but there are no guarantees.

Question Title

* 14. Preferred Dates for Reschedule (not guaranteed):

Please list any preferred dates for the rescheduled game (not guaranteed).

Question Title

* 15. Dates Teams Are Unavailable:

Please list the dates the team(s) are unavailable to play a rescheduled game.

Question Title

* 16. Reason for Request

In order for the request to be considered complete payment must be submitted by e-transfer to executivedirector@saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca at the same time as the request.

Question Title

* 17. I certify that payment has been sent by e-transfer to executivedirector@saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca

$25.00 Fee (10+ business days' notice);
$50.00 Fee (7-9 business days' notice).