2022 Weather Data Survey of Illinois Green Industry

Illinois State Climatologist, Trent Ford, has requested input from our industry regarding how we use weather/climate data in our operations. His office, along with regional USDA, National Weather Service, and other stakeholders are leading a Climate Services Summit this fall. They will discuss weather and climate information usage, needs, and coordination across the state. The goal is to facilitate discussion that will improve the flow of climate information and services in Illinois; and improve outreach from local, state, and federal partners.

The event will be in Champaign on September 7-8.  They have asked Becky Thomas, Spring Grove Nursery, to present how our industry uses weather information so we need your input. Please provide as much detail as you are able, as it will help Becky to show the need for more research in this area to benefit horticultural crops.  If you would like to provide more detailed information outside the survey, please email Becky directly at bthomas@springgrovenursery.com
1.What sources do you use to get your daily weather data? (check all that apply)(Required.)
2.Do you use climate outlooks? (Required.)
3.What timeframe of weather/climate data is most useful to your operation?(Required.)
4.Is there weather data or climate change info that would be useful to your growing operation but isn't currently available in our industry?
5.What aspects of climate change are most concerning to you related to your growing operation? (Check all that apply)(Required.)
6.Do you use weather data in your operation on a daily/weekly basis? 
7.Do you use weather data in your operation on a long-term planning basis?
8.What devices do you use to access weather info? (check all that apply)
9.What elements of weather data are the most pertinent to your growing operation? (check all that apply)(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered