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The bootcamp is one of the most popular, top-rated trainings we offer. This immersive, two-day session is about putting participants through the high-pressure experience of being on-camera in several different situations. We’ll work through the essential reasons being on-camera is tough, and how to get prepared fast to beat the nervous jitters. Every participant will undergo on-camera moments where their skills are tested in interviews, cell-phone journalism scenarios, and a press conference where the press corps is played by 24 colleagues.
Whether it’s a one-on-one interview, addressing a group from the podium at a town hall meeting, or getting recognized and recorded while out in public
This training delivers professionals ready to handle on-camera situations, period.
Please register by Friday, May 2nd.

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* 1. Registration Information:

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* 2. Supervisor's Name and Email:

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* 3. Any dietary / physical restrictions?

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