The "STATE OF THE SPACE INDUSTRIAL BASE 2022: Winning the New Space Race for Sustainability, Prosperity and the Planet" report has 6 key actions & recommendations.  The purpose of this survey is to get your opinion on the impact and urgency of each key action/recommendation in order to establish a prioritization based on the views of the space industrial base.  

Question Title

* 1. Which category best represents you?

Question Title

* 2. What is the Impact of each key action/recommendation?  This is a measure of the effect of implementation on the health of the Space Industrial Base.

  Low Medium High
1. Establish an enduring U.S. North Star Vision for Space
2. Enable National Security Priority Processing of Licenses/Environmental Clearances
for Critical Space Systems
3. Elevate the Office of Space Commerce (OSC) to report directly to the Secretary of
4. DoD requires a process to rapidly acquire and constitute commercially-sourced
capabilities for U.S. and allied warfighters
5. In order to save the planet, we must get off-planet
6. We must accelerate progress on strengthening the space industrial base

Question Title

* 3. What is the Urgency of each key action/recommendation?  This is a measure of how soon it should be implemented to promote the health of the Space Industrial Base.

  Low Urgency Medium Urgency High Urgency
1. Establish an enduring U.S. North Star Vision for Space
2. Enable National Security Priority Processing of Licenses/Environmental Clearances
for Critical Space Systems
3. Elevate the Office of Space Commerce (OSC) to report directly to the Secretary of
4. DoD requires a process to rapidly acquire and constitute commercially-sourced
capabilities for U.S. and allied warfighters
5. In order to save the planet, we must get off-planet
6. We must accelerate progress on strengthening the space industrial base

Question Title

* 4. What key actions or recommendations were missed?