Saskatoon Youth Soccer U11-U19 Indoor 2024-25 City League Feedback Survey

1.What best describes your primary role or involvement in soccer this past season?(Required.)
2.Which program did you take part in?(Required.)
3.Please select the Organization you took part in this past season?(Required.)
5.Expanded Voluntary Self-Identification. Providing any of this information is voluntary and will be used, exclusively, for statistical purposes. It will be not be used by Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc (SYSI) for any other prohibited purpose as per the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. If you prefer not to self-identify, please select N/A and move on to the next question.(Required.)
6.On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - Very Unsatisfied, and 5 - Very Satisfied) how satisfied are you with:(Required.)
Very unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Participant's overall experience with their head coach
Participant's interpersonal relationship with their head coach
Head coach's ability to show they care about the participant as a person first and player second
Amount of positive feedback the participant received from the head coach
Practice environment that the head coach provided (this may not be applicable for certain age groups or divisions, if so, please answer N/A)
Head coach's sideline behaviour in displaying respect to others and the game
7.On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - Very Unsatisfied and, 5 - Very Satisfied) how satisfied are you with:(Required.)
Very unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Zone or Member Organization met the participant's needs
Zone or Member Organization created a sense of belonging
Zone or Member Organization provided quality programming
Zone or Member Organization provided ease of registration
Zone or Member Organization provided clear and concise communications
Zone or Member Organization registration information was readily available and easy to find
Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. (SYSI) provided clear, concise, and timely communications
Spectators during games were respectful to others and the game
Referees provided quality game management and increased participant's enjoyment and knowledge of the game (this is not be applicable for U5-U9 age groups, if so, please answer N/A)
8.Do you have any comments or suggestions that would help improve your experience?
9.If SYSI were to adjust the league structure which option do you feel would create the most balanced teams and leagues while meeting a large degree of player needs?(Required.)
10.If the U15-U19 City Rec League was replaced by a U15-U19 recreational drop-in style program led by SYSI, how likely would you be to participate in this program? (Feedback is being sought on this option due to low enrollment in the U15-U19 City Rec League whereby insufficient teams lead to the inability to offer a league).(Required.)
11.If the U11-U19 City Rec League remained in place with standings but had the removal of practices, how likely would you be to participate in this league? (Feedback is being sought on this option to continue to provide a low commitment affordable option for players who simply wish to play games with standings while alleviating further commitments for practices thereby increasing affordability and the ability to recruit coaches for these teams. Players seeking development and practices would be encouraged to register with the Alliance League).(Required.)
12.If the U11-U19 City Rec League remained in place but had standings and practices removed, how likely would you be to participate in this program? (Feedback is being sought on this option with the same intent as question 11 with the additional removal of standings to address the large degree of skill disparity between teams as these players/teams do not attend evaluations).(Required.)
13.Do you have any concerns, comments, or suggestions about the options we are seeking feedback on?
14.Do you follow your zone or on social media to stay informed?(Required.)
15.Do you follow Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. (SYSI) on social media to stay informed?(Required.)
16.Is the participant returning to the SYSI league through a zone, or SYSI for the upcoming outdoor season?(Required.)
17.If you answered "No" or "Undecided" to Question #16, can you please tell us why?
18.How likely is it that you would recommend SYSI League to a friend or colleague?(Required.)
19.Please rate your overall satisfaction with your soccer experience(s) this past year (where one star = very poor, five stars = excellent).Click or tap below desired stars to make your selection.(Required.)