2024 Candidate Questionairre Question Title * 1. Candidate Name Question Title * 2. Home Address Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Question Title * 3. Cell Phone Question Title * 4. Email Question Title * 5. Chamber to which you are seeking office Ohio House of Representatives Ohio Senate Question Title * 6. District number of the office that you are seeking Question Title * 7. Name of Campaign Committee Question Title * 8. General Consultant Question Title * 9. Campaign Manager Question Title * 10. Campaign Budget Amount Question Title * 11. Your political party Democrat Republican Question Title * 12. Candidate's Professional Experience Question Title * 13. Candidate's Past Political Activities Question Title * 14. Why are you running for this office? Question Title * 15. Why should the business community support your candidacy? Question Title * 16. What are the key issues presently before the state and what are your priority policy interests? Question Title * 17. Access to available and affordable housing stock has been identified as a workforce barrier in Ohio. Which of the following policy initiatives would you support to make housing more available and/or affordable? (Check all that apply.) Reforms to local zoning processes. Limiting citizen referendums concerning housing developments. Expansion of a state tax credit to draw down federal funds to construct affordable rental housing. Institution of rent controls. Preserving the tax valuation for federally subsidized housing units that considers rent caps and occupancy restrictions. Other (Please specify in the comment field.) I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 18. There have been previous attempts to expand workers’ compensation benefits for psychological injuries for first responders. Do you support expanding workers’ compensation benefits to allow purely psychological injuries to be compensable? Yes, psychological injuries should be compensable. Yes, psychological injuries should be compensable, but only for first responders. Yes, but it should be expanded through a special fund instead of through workers’ compensation. No, only physical injuries should be compensable. I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 19. A private right of action (PRA) is when a private individual or entity can commence legal proceedings or file a lawsuit under the law. Regarding any new proposed consumer protection laws, which statement(s) best reflect your position on PRAs? (Select all that apply.) There should be no new private rights of action created against the business community. Private rights of action should be integral to any new consumer protection laws. The Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section should be the enforcer against unfair and deceptive practices. Ohio should find ways to provide liability protections to the business community to attract and retain private investment in the state. Private rights of action are appropriate, but only against certain members of the business community or in certain instances. (Please specify in the comment field below.) I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 20. Employers pay both state and federal payroll taxes to fund unemployment benefits. The Ohio Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund has been underfunded for several years and recently requires the use of federal relief funds to pay off the unemployment loan and prevent a tax increase on employers in 2022. Which of the following would you support to put the system on a path to solvency? Raise unemployment taxes on employers. Reduce benefits paid to unemployed workers. Raise unemployment taxes on employers and reduce benefits paid to unemployed workers. Other (Please specify in the comment field.) I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 21. At present, there is no national standard for regulating the collection, processing, and sale of personal information and Ohio has zero protections in place. Three states have enacted data privacy statutes, with many more in varying stages of development. Which of the below options should Ohio pursue? The General Assembly should pass a law to create consumer rights for data privacy and allow individuals to sue businesses directly for violating those rights and to obtain financial relief. The General Assembly should pass a law to create consumer rights for data privacy and designate the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section to enforce such rights and procure financial relief for impacted consumers. The General Assembly should refrain from passing any data privacy laws, deferring instead to an eventual federal solution. Other (Please specify in the comment field.) I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 22. What should be the role of the Ohio General Assembly regarding free speech? (Check all that apply.) The General Assembly should not pass any legislation that infringes upon the First Amendment rights specified under the U.S. Constitution. The General Assembly should pass laws to protect political speech in the private sector workplace. State government should dictate to online platforms what types of speech they can or cannot allow. Other (Please specify in the comment field.) I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 23. Over the years, there have been a variety of measures to override the home rule authority of cities/villages to create commerce uniformity. Over which of the following practices might you be supportive of the state preempting local government authority? Workplace employment practices. Energy & environmental practices. Bans on specific goods. Both workplace employment and energy & environmental practices. Both workplace employment and energy & environmental practices, and home rule authority should be curtailed further. Neither workplace employment nor energy & environmental practices. I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 24. House Bill 205: Enact the High Hazard Training Certification (HHTC) Act passed the Ohio House of Representatives earlier this year. HB 205 forces privately owned refineries to adhere to hiring mandates that disproportionately favor the hiring of union-backed apprentice graduates over qualified workers with years of experience. Please note your stance on this bill: Support Oppose Explanation Question Title * 25. In the current General Assembly, we’ve seen bills such as House Bill 319 and House Bill 285 that would dictate what private employers can and cannot do with their own health and safety policies. Do you believe that government should limit the ability of private businesses to set their own health and safety policies, and if so, to what extent? (select the answer that most closely aligns with your view) Employers should have the ability to set health and safety policies that apply to employees and customers Employers should have the ability to set health and safety policies that apply only to employees Employers should have limited ability to set health and safety policies that apply to employees since Ohioans have a right to make their own health decisions Employers should have limited ability to set health and safety policies that apply to employees and customers since Ohioans have a right to make their own health decisions I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 26. The Ohio Chamber of Commerce recently concluded a tax study that identified local taxes as the reason for higher taxes per capita compared to peer jurisdictions contained in the study. Should the Ohio General Assembly prioritize: Reduction of Personal Income Tax Rates Reform Real Property Taxes Eliminate the State Personal Income Tax Reform Local Income Taxes Eliminate the Commercial Activity Tax I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 27. Many groups that try to amend the Ohio Constitution via citizen-led ballot initiatives often hire companies that utilize paid petition circulators in order to get their issue on the ballot. What reforms would you support in order to rein in the ability of special interests from purchasing ballot access? Impose a ban on paid petition circulators. Require paid petition circulators to clearly disclose that they are being compensated to voters that may sign. Ban compensation on a per signature basis, allowing only for hourly or salary. Require a minimum number of signatures to be circulated by volunteers. Allow for signatures to expire after a certain period of time. Require signature gathers to seek approval from business owner / proprietor before gathering signatures outside of their establishment. I don’t believe reforms are needed for the signature gathering process. Comments Question Title * 28. Over the past several years, there have been numerous legislative proposals which have the potential to impact the affordability of healthcare, limiting an employer’s ability to negotiate their health benefit design, and to mandate coverage or payment of healthcare services. When do you believe it is appropriate for government to dictate how businesses offer healthcare benefits to employees at the expense of increase costs? When a majority number of states have passed similar laws. The state should not dictate what policies and practices business should do. Whenever medically necessary healthcare services are a financial burden on affected individuals and families. Only when the initial burden and cost to that business is minimal, and in the long-term healthcare costs are negated. The state should provide universal health care coverage for all Ohio residents that includes a comprehensive benefit package, thus negating the need to dictate business practices. I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Question Title * 29. Ohio law currently caps the amount of non-economic damages that can be awarded in any tort action including personal injury cases at $350,000 per plaintiff. Which of the following statements best reflect your position on this limit for non-economic damages? (Select all that apply.) There should be no limits on damage awards for non-economic damages. The damage cap should be indexed for inflation. I support keeping Ohio’s current $350,000 damage cap. The damage cap should be raised to $______. (Please specify a raised cap threshold in the comment field below.) Other (Please specify in the comment field.) I am unsure about this question and would welcome education on the matter. Comments Submit