I'm excited that you're interested in attending to the psychological challenges of trading and that you've chosen to be here.
This Getting Your Mind Right program is about addressing the purely psychological issues in being a trader.
We'll be attending to subconscious matters, those that have been 'visibly' present, but either ignored or denied yet still affecting you, and those of which you're well aware, but haven't been able to get past.
This survey is intended to help ensure that we're attending to what matters to you, so that we can get you past what's holding you back and taking the fun and profit out of things for you.
This is anonymous unless you choose to include your name and email at the end for me to follow up with you.
Everything will be kept in the strictest confidence, so feel free to be candid and open.
I'm here to help you realize your goals and everything you want from trading, so your input is very helpful in this effort.