Exit 2023 Sacred Sites Open House Visitor Survey Question Title * 1. How did you hear about the Conservancy’s Sacred Sites Open House? (Check all that apply) Banner/Signage/Flyer Conservancy website Conservancy Facebook page Other Social Media Conservancy email Local press (tv, radio, newspaper, Pennysaver etc.) Word of mouth Other: Please explain Question Title * 2. On which day(s) did you visit? Saturday Sunday Both Question Title * 3. If located in the New York City area, did you attend the 2023 Sacred Sites Open House Kickoff at St. Jean Baptiste Church? Yes No Not located in NYC area Question Title * 4. Why did you decide to attend the Sacred Sites Open House? Art Architecture Food History Music Performance Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Where were the Sacred Sites you visited located? (Check all that apply) Brooklyn Bronx Manhattan Queens Broome County/Southern Tier Buffalo/Niagara Capital Region Finger Lakes Hudson Valley Long Island Rochester Syracuse and Central New York Westchester Question Title * 6. What did you do? (Check all that apply) Pre-booked tour (List site(s) visited in "Other") Guided tour Self-guided tour Music / Concert / Organ Demonstration Refreshments / Food Festival Lecture Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Describe your favorite activity. Question Title * 8. General Feedback/Additional Comments: Question Title * 9. Email Address Done