The Fall 2025 application deadline of February 28,2025 has now passed.

Fall 2025 Externship Application.

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025.

Applications submitted after such date will, if appropriate, be reviewed after the timely submitted applications have been processed and confirmed.

Use this form to submit an application to participate in our Clinical Externship Program, Law 654. Incomplete applications will not be acted upon.

The information you provide through this form will enable me to assist you being placed in the appropriate externship placement. Submit your fully completed application by clicking the "Done" button at the end of the form.

In completing your application, seek to provide as much pertinent information as you can. Note that incomplete applications will not be acted upon. (See question No. 34 below.) When completed and submitted, send me an email letting me know you have done so.

Once your application has been received, I review such, whereupon we then meet to discuss your options and possible placement location. When we have decided upon a placement location, you will be asked to draft a cover letter to such office and provide an updated copy of your resume. I will then forward your cover letter and your resume to your potential placement office for their review.

The next step in the application process entails a possible interview at your designated placement office. Once your placement is confirmed, we will coordinate with our Registrar in terms of getting you formally enrolled in Law 654 Clinical Externship for the appropriate number of credit hours.

The Law 654 registration may not occur until after the normal course registration window has opened. If so, go ahead and register for a normal course load; once your externship placement has been confirmed, I will let the Registrar know to enroll you for such.

The above is the typical process; should there be any matters pertaining to your application beyond such I should know about, please include such information in your application.

Note that if you are applying for externship placements for different semesters or summer terms, you must complete one application for each placement, in other words, one application for a summer placement, one for a fall placement, one for a spring placement, and so on. Use the appropriately labeled application for the correct summer or semester term.

Note that if the application is not fully completed, it will not be acted upon.

Hans P. Sinha
Director Externship Program
Room 3080