Welcome to our new reporting system! Reporting financial education presentations is at the heart of CUFEN. Data is used locally by leagues and credit unions to promote community service efforts and demonstrate the credit union difference. When you report your financial education presentations, you help make a difference. Please let us know your reporting numbers from  December 31st, 2022 through June 30th, 2023. 
Check out the Reporting FAQ tab on our website for reporting reminders and how-to's.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information.

Question Title

* 2. What is your asset size?

Question Title

* 3. Total number of students reached:

Question Title

* 4. Total number of adults reached:

Question Title

* 5. Total number of presentations to students:

Question Title

* 6. Total number of presentations to adults:

Question Title

* 7. Total number of individuals (youth or adult) reached through financial education platforms (ex: Banzai, MoneyEdu, Zogo):