Thank you for completing this short survey. The results will provide our curriculum developers valuable information as we work to complete a Trails Trades Specialist Program.

We appreciate your time and if you like will keep you informed on our progress. Be in the first 100 respondents and you'll be entered in to a draw to win a Garmin GPS Unit. Thank you.

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* 1. We'd like to ask you some general questions to start - I am responding from:

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* 2. I don't mind giving you my location according to postal code:

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* 3. Why do you want to take a trails trades specialist course? (Answer all that apply)

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* 4. I am currently doing trail work. I am providing my services to: (Choose all that apply)

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* 5. In performing my regular duties I devote the following percentage of time to working on trails:

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* 6. In performing my volunteer duties I devote the following percentage of time to trail-building:

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* 7. Please provide some information on your education. (Answer all that apply)

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* 8. Prior to doing your current work on trails did you have any previous experience working on trails?

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* 9. We are interested in finding out the number of people in Ontario who have worked on or with trails. How many people do you know that have trail related experience, either in an employment capacity or volunteer? If so please tell us a bit about it.

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* 10. If you have trail building experience what type of experience do you have? (Answer all that apply)

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* 11. Have you got any trail program experience? (Answer all that apply)

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* 12. We are interested in your level of interest in trail maintenance, and if offered you would take a course in: (Answer all that apply)

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* 13. We are interested in your level of interest in business management and operations, please indicate which of these you are interested in: (Answer all that apply)

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* 14. Please indicate your interest in operational issues, indicate which programs you would take if offered: (Answer all that apply)

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* 15. Please indicate your desire to take modules in any of the following as they relate to trail operation:

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* 16. Please indicate, by checking, your desire to participate in learning more about specific aspects of information management: (Answer all that apply)

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* 17. We are interested in learning about your desire to learn more in the area of trail design: (Answer all that apply)

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* 18. I am currently a member of, or support: (Answer all that apply)

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* 19. Thanks for completing our survey. If you have any other constructive advice we'd appreciate you taking a minute to add it below. Thanks

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* 20. Please keep me informed of your progress on the development of this course - contact me via e-mail