Equine Advocates Quiz-How much do you know? Question Title * 1. What year was Equine Advocates founded? 1996 2004 2022 1983 Question Title * 2. What type of rescued animals do we have? Zebras, lions, and tigers Dogs, cats, and goats Horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, and miniature horses and donkeys Goats, cows, horses, and chickens Question Title * 3. How many stalls are in our main barn? 30 22 55 15 Question Title * 4. I bet you can't guess how big our sanctuary is! How many acres of land do we have? 140 acres 173 acres 65 acres 500 acres Question Title * 5. True or False? We do not ride any of our equines at our sanctuary. Add on 50 bonus points to your final points if you can answer why or why not in the comment field. True False Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What year did our humane education center open? 2011 1996 2003 2006 Question Title * 7. What year did we open our sanctuary located in Chatham, NY? 1998 2005 2004 1996 Question Title * 8. What is the most amount of equines we have had living at our sanctuary at one time? 55 84 120 79 Question Title * 9. What was the name of the first equine our founder, Susan Wagner, rescued? Frodo Gandalf Buddy Rain Man Question Title * 10. We have had animals that are not equines living here in the past and still do. Can you name what kind of animals we have/had besides equines? Sheep and cows Zebras and Eohippus Goats, Cats, dogs, and alpacas Goats, alpacas, and rabbits Done