OBUSA Board Candidate Confidential Survey Question Title * 1. First Name Question Title * 2. Last Name Question Title * 3. Email Address Question Title * 4. Phone Number Question Title * 5. Street Address Question Title * 6. City Question Title * 7. State Question Title * 8. Zip Code Question Title * 9. Birthdate Date Date Question Title * 10. Gender Female Male Non-Binary Transgender Prefer to Self Describe (please specify) Question Title * 11. Ethnicity African African American Asian Multi-ethnic Hispanic or Latino Caucasian (non hispanic) Native Hawaiian or Pacific Island American Indian or Alaska Native Do Not Know Ethnicity Prefer Not to Answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Outward Bound Course Alumni Yes No Please share course location, activities, length, year, your age, anything else you remember: Question Title * 13. Do you have another or different connection to Outward Bound? If so, please share. Question Title * 14. Professional Background/Business Sector Question Title * 15. Career Summary (Linkedin profile link or Biography) Question Title * 16. Resume and/or Biography Upload PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Resume and/or Biography Upload Question Title * 17. My vision/priorities for OBUSA over the next three years is/are: Question Title * 18. I see my non-financial contributions to the OBUSA Board as: Question Title * 19. I would like to accomplish the following in my role as an OBUSA Board member: Question Title * 20. I need the following from the OBUSA Board to enable me to fulfull my role as a Board member: Question Title * 21. I will have a successful term as an OBUSA Board member if the following happens: Question Title * 22. Which of the following OBUSA Strategic Priority Skillsets can you contribute? Learning Organization: K-12, Youth Development and Adult Education - Experience in public/private / charter school systems or higher education; youth development; teaching and learning experience. Learning Organization: Data, Research and Evaluation - Able to define the problem that needs to be solved; can identify data sources and create data collection plan and goals; Able to curate, manage, and make sense of collected data; Understands research design (qualitative and quantitative analysis). Symbiotic System: Build, Lead and Manage Teams - Experience leading and developing people; understands key drivers of team culture. Talent Magnet: Human Resources, Staff Recruitment and Retention - Human resources expertise; knowledge of employment law, experience with staff training and development, compensation and benefits; performance management and incentives. Future Proof: Financial Strategy - Understand business principles and language including the fundamentals of finance, accounting (GAAP and fund accounting) and planning and budgeting; can ensure compliance with internal and external policies and regulations; understands the financial implications of decisions before execution. Future Proof: Risk Management - Legal and financial compliance; Risk management - institutional and programmatic including program safety. Strategic Partnerships: Communications and Narrative Change - Experience with the development, integration, and implementation of a broad range of public relations activities relative to OBUSA's strategic direction and positioning; Media savvy; Able to drive broader awareness and donor support through compelling narrative of 'next horizon. Strategic Partnerships: Marketing & Fundraising - Understands marketing function and can guide development of multi-channel marketing plans; Able to assess and spot new marketing opportunities; can manage long-term strategic goals that leverage community engagement; Skilled at fundraising from introductions to cultivation of prospects to solicitation. Strategic Partnerships: Outdoor/Recreation Economy - Proximity to and engagement with outdoor / recreation networks; Could be National Park Service, outdoor retail executives, or others leading in the outdoor world. Managing / Navigating Change - Understands and has experience with change management processes (e.g., mergers and acquisitions, leadership transitions, program redesign, organizational restructuring, etc.). Growth Mindset - Belief that one's abilities aren’t set in stone and with work, skills can improve over time. Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 23. Board Members are expected to participate in 4-6 meetings per year, 2-4 of these via video conference (typically 2 hours each) and 2 in-person at rotating sites around the country (typically 1.5 days each). If occasionally unable to attend in-person, Board members still participate via video conference. Additionally, Board Members serve on at least one Board Committee and attend 3-5 scheduled committee meetings throughout the year (typically 1.5-2 hours each). We strive to schedule all meetings a year in advance when possible. Do you have the time to commit to these meeting obligations? Yes No Comment: Question Title * 24. Board members are expected to make or leverage an annual financial contribution to the organization, and prioritize OBUSA as their most important charitable donation. Leveraging a gift can happen in many different ways including: securing valuable sponsorship for an OBUSA event, connecting the OBUSA Advancement office with a major donor within your network and helping to secure a donation, securing a donation through an employer program, and more. Can you commit to this annual finacial contribution expectation? Yes No Comment: Question Title * 25. Please add any other comments you'd like to share: Submit