ENSEMBLE - ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe
Welcome to ENSEMBLE - ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe
Aim of the survey
ENSEMBLE project has as its main goal the adoption of multi-brand truck platooning in Europe. ENSEMBLE intends to have a final event in May 2021, with a live demonstration of multi-brand platooning of seven trucks electronically coupled and driving across several Member States.
This 10 min survey aims to identify the intention and commitment of automotive industry, road authorities and other related stakeholders to bring truck platooning technological solutions to the market.
This survey is sent to the ETPC and ENSEMBLE partners.
Your input is valuable for us. Therefore please have a voice in this topic.
For information on how your data will be used and how we will be complying with the EU's GDPR legislation, please click here.