
Consider two possible visions for bus service in our region:
One vision, an Unconstrained Vision Concept, does not assume any funding constraints. It would cost about $70 million per year, compared to today's network which costs about $19 million per year.

The other vision, a Constrained Vision Concept, assumes some funding constraints. It would cost about $35 million per year, compared to today's network which costs about $19 million per year.

Here are some basic features of each Vision Concept:

Unconstrained Vision Concept   Constrained Vision Concept
Compared to today’s bus network, the Unconstrained Vision Concept in the urbanized area would provide the following benefits: Compared to today’s bus network, the Constrained Vision Concept in the urbanized area would provide the following benefits:
36% of residents in the urban area would be near frequent service (a bus every 15 minutes) compared to only 14% today and 7% more residents would have access to regular transit service.

59% of jobs would be near frequent service compared to only 28% today and 4% more jobs would have access to regular transit service.

52% of low income residents would be near frequent service, compared to only compared to only 28% today.

50% of people of color would be near frequent service, compared to only 20% today and 5% more people of color would have access to regular transit service.

The average resident of the urbanized area could reach 15,000 more jobs and opportunities in 60 minutes of travel time compared to the existing network. That's 57% more than today.
20% of residents in the urban area would be near frequent service (a bus every 15 minutes) compared to only 14% today.

31% of jobs would be near frequent service compared to only 28% today.

52% of low income residents would be near frequent service, compared to only 28% today.

24% of people of color would be near frequent service, compared to only 20% today.

The average resident of the urbanized area could reach 3,000 more jobs and opportunities in 60 minutes of travel time compared to the existing network. That's 12% more than today.

All fixed routes in the urbanized area would operate 7 days per week, significantly improving access to opportunity on weekends.
A key difference between each concept is the frequency of service (how often a bus is coming). The frequency of service is shown by the color of the lines on the map.
  • Dark red lines mean very frequent service (a bus coming every 10 minutes or better).
  • Red lines mean frequent service (every 15 minutes).
  • Purple lines mean service coming every 20 minutes.
  • Blue lines mean service coming every 30 minutes.
  • Light blue lines mean service coming every 60 minutes.
  • Tan lines mean peak-only service or demand responsive service.
  • Yellow zones mean on-demand service.
The Regional Transit Vision is a collaborative effort to evaluate transit service in Charlottesville and the surrounding region to establish a clear long-term vision for efficient, equitable and effective transit service in the region. As part of this vision, two alternative VISION CONCEPTS are shown on the maps below.

In the Unconstrained Vision Concept there are now five frequent routes touching the most dense parts of the urbanized area and most other routes operate at least every 30 minutes. There is a BRT route running from downtown to the Route 29 North corridor and on-demand transit zones in Pantops and the areas north of Rio Road and east of US 29.

In the Constrained Vision Concept:
  • Route 10 is improved by making it an extension of the Trolley, with high frequency service on High Street and a new 30-minute branch serving northern portions of Pantops.
  • Route 2 is improved to every 15 minutes and its branches improved to every 30 minutes, providing better service to 5th Street Station and PVCC.
  • Route 7 is improved to every 20 minutes and an every hour extension is provided to the Airport and North Fork Research Center.
  • Routes 4 and 6 are improved to every 30 minutes.
  • On-demand service would be provided in Pantops and areas along US 29 north of Rio Road.
  • All fixed routes would operate 7 days a week.

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Unconstrained Vision Concept in the Urbanized Area

Map of bus routes and other transit services in the Unconstrained Vision Concept

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Constrained Vision Concept in the Urbanized Area

Map of bus routes and other transit services in the Constrained Vision Concept

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* 1. How often do you ride transit

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* 2. Would you be satisfied with the Unconstrained Vision? 

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* 3. What is missing or needs improvement in the Unconstrained Vision?

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* 4. Would you support additional regional funding to realize the Unconstrained Vision? 

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* 5. The Unconstrained Vision includes a Bus Rapid Transit line for fast, frequent, day & night service between Fashion Square Mall, UVA, Downtown and Pantops. Would you welcome this service? 

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* 6. Would you be satisfied with the Constrained Vision? 

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* 7. What is missing or needs improvement in the Constrained Vision?

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* 8. Any other thoughts?