36% of residents in the urban area would be near frequent service (a bus every 15 minutes) compared to only 14% today and 7% more residents would have access to regular transit service.
59% of jobs would be near frequent service compared to only 28% today and 4% more jobs would have access to regular transit service.
52% of low income residents would be near frequent service, compared to only compared to only 28% today.
50% of people of color would be near frequent service, compared to only 20% today and 5% more people of color would have access to regular transit service.
The average resident of the urbanized area could reach 15,000 more jobs and opportunities in 60 minutes of travel time compared to the existing network. That's 57% more than today. |
20% of residents in the urban area would be near frequent service (a bus every 15 minutes) compared to only 14% today.
31% of jobs would be near frequent service compared to only 28% today.
52% of low income residents would be near frequent service, compared to only 28% today.
24% of people of color would be near frequent service, compared to only 20% today.
The average resident of the urbanized area could reach 3,000 more jobs and opportunities in 60 minutes of travel time compared to the existing network. That's 12% more than today.
All fixed routes in the urbanized area would operate 7 days per week, significantly improving access to opportunity on weekends. |