This research project is led by the Purpose Coalition and the Centre for Inequality of Levelling Up (CEILUP) at the University of West London. It is based on the premise that measuring the socio-economic composition of the workforce is the first step to developing a strategy to enhance social mobility. The aim of the project is to assemble more evidence regarding the degree to which employers are collecting evidence on the socio-economic composition of their workforce. The survey is being distributed to employers across the UK from a wide range of sectors.

The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. It will ask whether or not you collect data on the socio-economic composition of your workforce and if you do how and why, and if not why not and whether you plan to do so in the future.

The data that you provide will be stored on a secure server and viewed only by members of the Purpose Coalition and the Centre for Inequality of Levelling Up team. Any data that is taken from your responses used in any final report will be anonymised. If you wish to change your responses you have 3 weeks from the submission of the survey to do so. Data you provide will be destroyed 12 months after it is entered. The data collected will be used to inform a report that will be launched in Autumn 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the project, the survey or how data is stored please contact Professor Graeme Atherton. Head of the Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up on

The survey will close on the 10th of August 2023. 

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Organisation

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* 3. Position in the organisation

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* 4. How many employees does your organisation have?

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* 5. Do you currently collect data on the socio-economic background of your workforce?

If you have answered no to this question please go to question 13

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* 6. If yes, what measure(s) are you using to collect this data

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* 7. How did you collect data on the socio-economic background of your workforce?

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* 8. When do/did you collect this information

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* 9. How challenging has it been to collect data on the socio-economic background of your workforce?

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* 10. Do you publicly report your results?

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* 11. Would you recommend tracking social mobility data to other employers?

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* 12. What do you use the data on the socio-economic background of your workforce for? Please tick one or more statements that apply to your organisation

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* 13. If you are not collecting data on the socio-economic background of your workforce at present, why? Please tick one or more statements that apply to your organisation

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* 14. If you are not collecting data on the socio-economic background of your workforce at present are you planning to do so?

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* 15. If you are planning to collect this data in the future when will you be doing?

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* 16. What 3 steps would support your organisation in either your existing work in collecting data on the socio-economic background of your workforce or any prospective work in this area your organisation may do in the future? Please tick one or more statements that apply to your organisation

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* 17. Would you support tracking and reporting of social mobility data being made mandatory for larger employers over a certain number of employees and/or market value?

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* 18. Is there anything else you would like to add regarding the collection of data on the socio-economic background of your workforce/your work on social mobility overall?