The Dallas Regional Chamber is accepting nominations for its 2025 Board Class. We are looking for top community leaders to help guide our organization as we continue to drive economic prosperity for all people, support and improve education and the workforce pipeline, shape public policy, and promote diversity, equity & inclusion on behalf of our business community. With the help of our 2025 Board of Directors, we will continue to work every day to enhance the quality of life for all people who live, work and do business in the Dallas Region.

Nominations will be accepted until 12 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. If you have questions or would like to learn more about DRC Board service, please contact Senior Vice President of Membership Meghan Kelley Wehner at or 214.746.6614.

New members of the Dallas Regional Chamber (DRC) Board of Directors are elected to serve either a one-year or two-year term in accordance with DRC bylaws. According to the DRC’s bylaws, all DRC members are entitled to submit candidates for consideration by the Nominating Committee. Nominees are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

Submit your nomination online using this form.

All nominations must be received no later than 12 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024.

Requirements for Board service are as follows:
  • Board members must be in good standing with the DRC through their corporate membership and meet the qualifications set forth in the bylaws of the DRC.
  • The Board member must be the top executive of his or her company or the top executive based in the Dallas Region. In some instances, dictated by the DRC Bylaws and with the approval of the Executive Committee, a senior executive reporting directly to the top executive may be considered.
  • Board members must attend at least four meetings per year.
Additional expectations are as follows:
  • Newly elected members will attend a new member orientation.
  • Board members will serve on at least one DRC Council or Task Force and/or appoint a designated representative to serve on their company’s behalf.
  • The Board member’s company must invest a minimum in Membership Dues and Tomorrow Fund Investment in the DRC or a minimum in Membership Dues, Tomorrow Fund contributions, and sponsorships/branding opportunities. Board members are encouraged to pay investments in November of the year prior to when they are due.
  • Board members will assist and support in recruiting new members to the DRC.
  • Board members will encourage diversity that is reflective of the Dallas Region.
  • Board members are expected to make personal contributions of $250 a year to EducateDallas, a political action committee focused on the election of outstanding Trustees to the Dallas ISD school board.
A special note on term limits:
  • A Board member who has served for six (6) or more consecutive years is not eligible for re-election until that person has been absent from the Board for a period of at least one (1) year, except for those who may continue to serve as Chair, Chair-Elect, or past Chair. Additional two (2) year terms may be extended to executives of key organizations subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

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* 1. Name of nominee

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* 2. Nominee ethnicity

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* 3. Nominee gender

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* 4. Nominee age

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* 5. Nominee title

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* 6. Nominee company name

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* 7. Nominee contact information

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* 8. Statement of endorsement (200 words or less)

The endorsement should be from a current DRC member and should address the nominee’s leadership qualities and involvement in the Dallas Region’s business community. 

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* 9. Nominator contact information