Parents of Their Only One Child Chinese New Zealand citizens, residents and visa holders  Reunion Immigration Policy Survey Questionnaire


Dear Chinese New Zealanders,
We are a group of people who work for Chinese language media in New Zealand.
It is necessary to find out whether it is fair or unfair to only one child of their parent's family reunion visa policy, and we hope you can actively fill in this form.
1.您是哪类移民到新西兰的?What kind of immigrant category do you first come to  New Zealand?
2.您到新西兰多久了?How long have you been in New Zealand?
3.您希望接父母过来团聚生活吗?Do you want to your parents to live together in New Zealand?
4.您认为现在的新西兰移民制度对华裔公平吗?Do you think the current New Zealand immigration system is fair to Chinese people?
5.您是独生子女吗?Are you the only child of your parents?
6.您认为新西兰移民政策对华裔独生子女公平吗?Do you think New Zealand's immigration policy is fair to the person if the person is the only child of their parents?
7.如果我们要求新西兰设立专项华裔独生子女父母移民政策,您同意吗?If we ask New Zealand government to set up a particular immigration policy for Chinese-only-child parents, do you agree?
8.为了保证问卷调查数据真实有效性,可以被新西兰政府采纳,请您自愿留下地址或者姓名或者其他联系方式。To ensure the authenticity and validity of the questionnaire data so that it can be adopted by the New Zealand government or other official sources. Please leave your address or name, or other contact information voluntarily.