Thank you for attending part two of the 2024 WGCC National Conference. Your responses to this survey will help ensure we can keep delivering great content to our membership.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the value of the content from the session titled: "The Unconscious Bias and How to Identify and Neutralize It", presented by Shanin Lott:

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* 2. Please rate the value of the content from "Presenting Your Authentic Self", presented by Dr. Deborah Rosati:

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* 3. Please rate the value of the content from the session: "Dealing with Difficult Colleagues and Situations" presented by Chantelle Courtney:

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* 4. Please rate the value of the content from the Panel titled: "Crisis Management and Handling the Board":

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* 5. Please indicate your preference for the forum of a future conference below:

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* 6. LENGTH: Kindly provide your preference for the length of a future conference on the scale below:

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* 7. COMMUNICATIONS: Please rate the communications for the conference on the scale below:

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* 8. What other topics would you like to see at future conferences? For example, recent case law, specific legal subject matter, current trends, professional development, leadership etc.

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* 9. Please share any suggestions for improvement or general comments about this year's conference.

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* 10. Have you participated in Networking Circles?

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* 11. If you've answered 'No" to the above question, please provide the reason below:

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions for future Networking Circle topics?

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* 13. Have you joined an Industry Forum yet?

We sincerely appreciate your time and input. Thank you!