The SHIFA project (shifa is Arabic for "healing"), created by Somali Family Service of San Diego, was designed to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate health education for immigrant and refugee communities.
Please watch the following educational content first, then answer the survey questions:
Click here to watch in English
Click here to watch in Somali
We appreciate you viewing our educational experience and ask that you answer the following questions to the best of your abilities to help us to improve in the future.
Your answers will be used to help us understand how enjoyable and impactful our educational video is, and to help us to create more culturally and linguistically appropriate educational content for your community in the future. Your responses may be used to advance research into the effectiveness of our video. All of your answers will remain entirely anonymous. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.
Once you have watched the video, click "Next" to begin the survey. You must be 18 years or older to complete this survey.