As part of our supplier quality assurance program, and in accordance with the requirements of our ISO 9001 certification, new and periodic assessments are conducted of our suppliers and sub-contractors.  To this end, would you please complete this questionnaire.

Information provided will be used to update our records and enable us to maintain our approved supplier list. It also increases our understanding of the risks of modern slavery or forced labour in our supply chains, and identifying where remediating or mitigating actions may be required.

Analysis of this information may result in the need for an assessment or audit by one of our Risk & Compliance team members. In this event, we would contact you to arrange a convenient date.

Please be assured that any information provided will be treated in complete confidence.
Estimated time to complete this survey is 15 minutes.
Part 1 – Supplier Information
Part 2 – Description of Suppliers’ Scope of Supply/Services
Part 3 – Quality Management System
Part 4 – Health & Safety Management
Part 5 – Environment Management
Part 6 – Business Ethics and Fair Trade / Corporate Social Responsibility
Part 7 – Modern Slavery
Part 8 – Conclusion