School Attendance Zone Feedback

Thank you for visiting this site!  We want your input.  Forty community members and staff have been meeting for several months to develop options for attendance zones.

Beginning in the Fall of 2018 our schools will be reorganized to meet the growth we are experiencing.  The significant changes include:
1. Crimson Point, Silver Trail and Reed will all be K-5 schools.
2. Hubbard and Indian Creek will be K-3 and will feed to Ross which will be home to grades 4 and 5 for those two schools.
3. There will be two middle schools: Teed and Kuna.
4.  Construction will begin on phase one of a new high school.  This school will include general education classrooms as well as career and technical classrooms. 

In the following survey we appreciate your thoughtful input.  

Kuna School District Communications Team

Question Title

* 1. I am a....

Question Title

Elementary Option 1 Map

Elementary Option 1 Map

Question Title

* 2.
Please watch the video and comment. In question 4 you will be able to rank elementary options.

Question Title

Elementary Option 2 Map

Elementary Option 2 Map

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* 3. Please watch the video and comment. In question 4 you will be able to rank elementary options.

Question Title

Elementary Option 3 Map

Elementary Option 3 Map

Question Title

* 4. Please watch the video and comment. In question 4 you will be able to rank elementary options.

Question Title

* 5. Which elementary zone option do you like best?  Please rank 1 - 3 (with "1" being your top choice).

Question Title

Middle School Option 1 Map

Middle School Option 1 Map

Question Title

* 6.
Please watch the video and comment. In question 7 you will be able to rank middle school options.

Question Title

Middle School Option 2 Map

Middle School Option 2 Map

Question Title

* 7.
Please watch the video and comment. In question 7 you will be able to rank middle school options.

Question Title

* 8. Which middle school zone option do you like best? Please rank 1 - 3 (with "1" being your top choice).

Question Title

* 9. Other ideas than what the committee has presented?

Question Title

* 10. The high school boundaries will be determined when the new high school requires expansion requiring it's own identity and zone.

Thank you for your input on this survey.  The committee will consider all of your thoughts and intends on making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on January 9, 2018.