You for Youth (Y4Y)
Showcase #2
March 14, 2019

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* 1. What is your primary role with 21st CCLC?

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* 2. What grade levels does your program serve? Select all that apply.

Please rate today's session on the following criteria:

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* 3. Quality of Content

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* 4. Quality of Presenter(s)

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* 5. Pace of training given allotted time

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* 6. Usefulness of training 

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* 7. Relevance of training 

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* 8. Please list at least two examples of new information or concepts that you learned at today's session:

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* 9. How do you plan to apply what you learned during the session?

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* 10. Is there anything you wish we had spent more time talking about?  (e.g. What topics would you like to see in the future?)

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* 11. Please share any additional thoughts, ideas or questions.