BC Building Code Adaptability/Seismic In-Stream Protections |
BC’s Building and Safety Standards Branch released two technical bulletins extending in-stream protections for both adaptability and seismic requirement changes. The protections are for projects which have already completed ‘significant design work’ prior to March 8, 2024. This has left some ambiguity, giving municipalities some power of interpretation.
HAVAN, in collaboration with CHBA BC, is looking for members who have been impacted by any such issues, where projects having completed significant design work are not being offered the added protections provided by this bulletin.
Please provide responses by end of day Monday, November 25th.
If you would like to share additional information beyond what is captured in the survey, please reach out to Donovan Arseneault, HAVAN's Manager of Policy and Research at donovan@havan.ca or (778) 373-9787.