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The purpose of this survey is to gather input from Glens Falls residents about ways to make bicycling safe, comfortable, and convenient so that you can get to work, school, and to places around the city on a bike instead of relying on a car for all trips. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. Your answers will be anonymous. With your help we can make Glens Falls a more bike friendly city! 

Thank you,
Bike Glens Falls

For more information on Bike Glens Falls, visit

Question Title

* 1. Which area of Glens Falls do you live in?

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. How often do you ride your bike in Glens Falls?

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* 4. What obstacles and/or concerns prevent you from biking more frequently? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What type of bicyclist are you?

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* 6. How do each of the following impact your decision to bike instead of driving a car? (If you don't bike, how would each factor impact your decision if you chose to start biking?)

  Not influential Indifferent Somewhat influential Very influential
Biking is the most practical/convenient way for me to get to my destination
Biking is less expensive than driving
Biking is good for my health
Biking is less stressful than driving
Biking is a good way to spend time outdoors
Biking lets me see things I would miss while driving
Biking/transit are my primary forms of transportation
Biking means I don't have to worry about parking
Biking is good for the environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Biking is fun

Question Title

* 7. Please select how often you typically bike for the following purposes:

  Never Rarely Regularly Daily
Shopping, errands, dining
To get to transit
To get to school
Worship/community events
To get to work
Visiting friends
Connecting with nature

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* 8. What destinations would you most like to be able to reach by biking? (Select up to 5)

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* 9. If biking, how do you choose your route (e.g., bike lanes, most direct route, less traffic)?

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* 10. What bike support would you like to see more of in Glens Falls (e.g., signage, bike lanes, bike paths, intersection priority, bike and driver education, enforcement)?

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* 11. Are there general improvements or changes that could be made to your neighborhood to make it more bikeable?

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* 12. Are there specific areas/streets in Glens Falls that you would like to see improved? (please list)

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* 13. How important  is it to you to improve biking conditions in Glens Falls?

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* 14. What education or encouragement programs would you like to see in Glens Falls? (select up to 3)

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* 15. Thank you for completing the survey! If you would like to get involved/learn more about Bike Glens Falls, please provide your email address or fill out the contact form on our website 

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