Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important to help understand your interests and and perspective so we can plan future information sharing on this topic.

For reference, advanced M&V, often referred to as M&V2.0, includes analytic software tools and services that provide automated, ongoing analysis of energy consumption data that can estimate savings which is often also combined with increased data volume, frequency or detail such as from advanced metering.

Question Title

* 1. In which of the following energy efficiency activities are you/your organization involved?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following.

  Very High High Moderate Low None
Your present involvement with M&V 2.0
Your present knowledge of and familiarity with M&V 2.0
Your overall need for information on M&V 2.0

Question Title

* 3. Please answer the following:

  Yes No Unsure
Is it clear how M&V 2.0 tools can support program impact evaluation?
Are you interested in exploring 2.0 tools and methods in your work?
Are you interested in participating in pilot projects that test the use of M&V 2.0 tools for impact evaluation?
Are you involved in efficiency programs that directly measure pre-treatment (existing baseline) energy consumption ?
Are you involved in programs that analyze or benchmark whole building energy consumption?

Question Title

* 4. Please respond to the following statement concerning your assessment of M&V 2.0 for evaluation opportunities.

  Agree Disagree Don't Know 
M&V 2.0 tools are exciting because they offer the nation much potential to deliver program impact estimates rapidly and for large volumes of customers and data.
Current M&V2.0 products cannot yet compete with traditional EM&V methods on performance or cost.
More information and experience are needed with the M&V2.0 software products, applications and performance before decisions should be made about their use for impact evaluation.
M&V 2.0 tools are among the strategies that will help advance energy efficiency as a distributed resource.
M&V 2.0 tools are being used to support Demand Response programs.
M&V 2.0 tools can support process improvements in the delivery of energy efficiency.
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33% of survey complete.