Please take the time to fill out this brief mid season evaluation for your son or daughters coaches. Please provide comments where applicable. The information you provide is crucial in helping make BVHS the most progressive Hockey Society in Alberta.

Please remember that our coaches give up countless hours to coach your child. Our coaches are always looking for feedback on what they could do better, but please ensure the feedback is constructive. Personal attacks make our volunteers want to think twice about stepping up in future years.

Please note that we require contact information for anyone who completes the survey.  All data collected will stay confidential and the coaching staff will never be shown who provided what feedback.

The Manager of Hockey Operations may follow up with you to discuss your feedback.

The deadline to take part in the mid season evaluation is December 15, 2019.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this evaluation please do not hesitate to contact:

Trevor Morgan

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information:

Question Title

* 2. Did your coach contact your child to congratulate them on making their team?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following:

(5 being the most satisfied and 1 being the least satisfied)

  5 4 3 2 1 NA
Position Rotation (If applicable)
Life Skills being taught to players (Accountability, Responsibility etc)
Instruction received by your child in practice
Instruction received by your child during games
Dryland Sessions (If Applicable)
Leadership Sessions (If Applicable)
Pre-Game Warm Up (If applicable)
Individual Player Development
Team Development
Fun experience for your child
Child's desire to come to the rink
Child increased their skill acquisition
Parent cohesion on team

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following:

(5 being the most satisfied and 1 being the least satisfied)

  5 4 3 2 1 NA
Athletic Development Centre's Off Ice Training (Evolved Sports Science) Overall
Athletic Development Centre's Trainers (Evolved Sports Science)
The amount that players are moving at the off ice training sessions (Evolved Sports Science) Ex.  Not standing around etc.
Instruction received by your child at the off ice training sessions
Team cohesion at Off Ice Training

Question Title

* 5. The Coaches have been following Fair Play with regards to equal instruction and playing time for all players.

Question Title

* 6. The Coaches have taught the players to be good citizens within their community. 

Question Title

* 7. The Coaches maintain and promote a respectful culture within the team.

Question Title

* 8. The Coaches have taught the players the importance of team work and instill this into the teams culture.

Question Title

* 9. The coaches have taken the time to ensure that my child has been learning throughout the season. The coaches create challenging and innovative practices.

Question Title

* 10. Does the coaching staff come prepared for every practice and game?

Question Title

* 11. The coach has a strong knowledge of how to teach the skills and strategies of the game.

Question Title

* 12. We emphasize that our coaches follow the Hockey Canada Player Development Pyramid where fundamental skills are the foundation of player success through the age groups and level of play. 

Does the coach follow the Hockey Canada Player Development Pyramid for the age group and level of play? Click Here for more info on the Hockey Canada Player Development Pyramid.

Question Title

* 13. Are there any skill sets that you feel your team could work more on in practice?

Question Title

* 14. Has your child increased their overall skill level in all aspects of the game as a result of the coaching that he or she has received to date?

Question Title

* 15. If your child is a goalie, do you feel they receive enough instruction in practices and games.

Question Title

* 16. If your child is a goalie, please provide an evaluation on the BVHS Goalie Clinics

Question Title

* 17. Does the coach provide instruction throughout every game resulting in an overall increase in your child's understanding of the game.

Question Title

* 18. Do the assistant coaches provide instruction throughout every game resulting in an overall increase in your child's understanding of the game.

Question Title

* 19. Has the coach promoted individual and team discipline on and off the ice?

Question Title

* 20. Does the coach handle discipline on the team fairly, appropriately and consistently?

Question Title

* 21. The Head Coach always displays respect for the referees and game officials

Question Title

* 22. The assistant coaches always display respect for the referees and game officials.

Question Title

* 23. The Coach respects and communicates well with parents.  The Coach is available, approachable and willing to speak to parents about any issue or concerns.  Please note that BV only expects the coaches to email the parents regarding hockey related info.  The team manager should do the majority of the emails to the parent groups.

Question Title

* 24. The coach communicates effectively with players and his or hers ability to resolve any issues as they may arise is evident.

Question Title

* 25. The coaches have increased the players desire to play hockey while encouraging self-confidence. 

Question Title

* 26. The coaches have maintained a positive attitude throughout the season. The coaches are genuinely concerned for the well-being of all the players.

Question Title

* 27. Does your son or daughter want to play hockey next year?

Question Title

* 28. Please rate your overall satisfaction with each of the Coaches

  5- Very Good 4- Good 3- Average 2- Below Average 1- Needs Work
Andre Peart Head Coach
Artur Dos Anjos Asst. Coach
Andy Dyck Asst. Coach
Richard Froese Asst. Coach
Jason Norrie Asst. Coach
Aaron Nowek Asst. Coach
Paul Pinel Asst. Coach
Jordan Smolak Asst. Coach

Question Title

* 29. List three things you liked about the coaching this season

Question Title

* 30. List three things that the coaches could improve upon to make them better coaches next season:  The coaches want your input so please be honest. 

Examples include- More time spent on power skating at each practice, ensure parents leave the room 15 minutes before ice times so the coaches can talk to the kids, be stricter and have more structure around team rules, incorporate more backwards skating drills, discipline kids for bad penalties, explain the drills in more detail as the players looked lost at times, change up the lines more often.

Question Title

* 31. Did your team outline team rules at the start of the season?

Question Title

* 32. Did your Coach use the BVHS Parent/Coach Contract and was it discussed at the Parents Meeting?

Question Title

* 33. Are the Parents Allowed in the Dressing Room before games and practices?

Question Title

* 34. Does your team do a pre-game warm up off ice prior to each game?

Question Title

* 35. Has and or does your team have any team building sessions planned for the season?

Question Title

* 36. Does your team do Self and Team Evaluations after games and practices?

Question Title

* 37. Managers/Administration
Has the team manager effectively communicated to the team throughout the season?

Question Title

* 38. Managers/Administration:
Have the parents been consulted on issues regarding fundraising or social events?

Question Title

* 39. Managers/Administration:

Has your team had one or more team meetings throughout the season?

Question Title

* 40. Has your team sent out emails outlining your teams budget as well as monthly financial updates?

Question Title

* 41. Please provide your overall comments towards the season to date:

Question Title

* 42. Are there any team issues that BVHS needs to be made aware? If so please provide details on what the issue is and have you raised these issues following the BVHS Issue Resolution Guidelines?

Question Title

* 43. BVHS Administration

Do you feel that BVHS has effectively communicated to inform you of important issues via email and on the BVHS website.